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The Charlotte Rugby Club participates in the East Region for Division II Women’s Rugby.

The goal of the Charlotte Rugby Club is to be a competitive club that offers valuable and ample playing opportunities for all club members regardless of skill, age or competitive level.

Head Coach: Brieanna Spears

Match Secretary: Kala Clanton

Women’s Captains: Liz ‘Rav’ Ravaioli & Meredith ‘MJ’ Jordan


Men’s Division II & IV RUGBY

The Charlotte Rugby Club participates in the Carolina Georgia Rugby Union second (DII) division as well as the fourth division (DIV) which allows for more social play, rolling substitutes, and expanded rosters.

The goal of the Charlotte Rugby Club is to be a competitive club that offers valuable and ample playing opportunities for all club members regardless of skill, age or competitive level.


Head Coach (DII): Ken DeLucia

Head Coach (DIII): Monte McCormack

Match Secretary (DII): Jack Byer

Match Secretary (DIII): Dallas Sharpe

Men’s Leadership Group: Ethan Suznevich, James Mezzanotte, Jimmy Dever, Jack Byer, Tom Kiernan, Jack Kiernan